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Academic and Extra-Curricular

Our curriculum intent is to support a happy, high achieving learning community enriched by the opportunity to discover talents and passions. We plan and build our curriculum so that academic knowledge, enrichment and life skills match the high aspirations of our learners and allow them to make the strongest progress over time. This will prepare them to be the best they can be in school, as citizens in their community and in their future.


One the the best parts of an open morning is seeing live teaching and watching staff bring their subject to life for their students.  With this in mind, Ms John, one of our English teachers, invited us to film her Year 10 lesson during which students are exploring one of the set texts, An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley.  


Results to be proud of

A summary of our 2019 GCSE and A-Level results can be found here.  2020 and 2021 results were not published as they were awarded by the provision of centre and teacher assessed grades. It  goes without saying that we are incredibly proud of what our students achieve at exam time, but Becky High offers so much more than outstanding academic results; we want our students to enjoy their time with us and leave with the skills and aptitude to thrive in the competitive worlds of higher education and work.

Explore each department!

If you're viewing on a desktop, click on the markers to explore each department.  If you are on a mobile device, the list of departments is listed under the map. 


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