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Open Events

Our autumn open events are the perfect opportunity for prospective parents to visit our remarkable school and meet the staff and students who make it so special!  Before you visit, you might like to download our prospectuses here

Year 7 - 10  Open Events

Our 2024 open events are held in September and October, and bookings can be made via the school's Ticket Source page. This will go live for open evening at the beginning of September and the link will be included on this page. 

Open Evening Open Morning
Wednesday 25 September 2024 Wednesday 16 October 2024
16:00 - 20:00 09:30 - 11:00

Sixth Form Open Events

Our 2024 Becky High Sixth open evening will be held in November and bookings can be made via the school's Ticket Source page. This usually goes live at the end of October and the link will be included on this page when it does.

In the meantime, for any enquiries, please email the Sixth Form Team.  You can also view our current Sixth Form Prospectus here

For a taste of life at Becky High, why not not follow us on InstaTwitterFacebook, and Vimeo.