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English Curriculum Intent

The intent of the English department is to deliver a curriculum which exposes students to a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, from a range of periods in literature pre and post 1900. Fiction texts include a range of poetry, prose and drama whilst non-fiction looks at articles, speeches, travel writing etc.

 The curriculum considers the context of our school; looking at writers from the local area where possible and the female voice, whether that be through female protagonists or writers. It also actively focuses on allowing students to consider the social, cultural and historical context in which the text is set, and the impact this has upon the reader. Students are encouraged to consider the writer’s purpose and make relevant connections to wider agendas.

 We aim to foster a love of literature through engaging lessons and actively encourage independent reading through regular lessons in the LRC. The teaching of English language will equip students to have key transferable skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening which will directly benefit them in their future and the workplace.  

The curriculum provides students with the skills to work independently, think critically, be evaluative as well as be creative and enquiring. It aims to approach texts through a variety of methods which appeal to all learning styles. 

 Years 7, 8 & 9 English

Students study in form groups and are taught three lessons a week. Our schemes of work follow the National Curriculum orders for Key Stage 3 including reading and responding to fictional and non-fiction texts, writing for a range of purposes, and speaking and listening in formal and informal situations. Students' learning is enriched by drama workshops, competitions and theatre visits. 



Year 10 and Year 11 English - GCSE 

All of our students are entered for GCSEs in both English and English Literature. We follow the AQA syllabus, which is a linear course with all examinations taken at the end of the course. Students are taught in mixed groups for three lessons in Year 10 and four lessons in Year 11 each week. As in Key Stage 3, the students’ experience of English is enhanced by visits to the theatre.



Students throughout the school have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities related to English. Among these are creative writing competitions, debating societies and public speaking.

Summer Reading List 2024