Curriculum Intent
At Beaconsfield High School our curriculum intent is to support a happy, high-achieving learning community enriched by the opportunity to discover talents and passions. We plan and build our curriculum so that academic knowledge, enrichment, and life skills match the high aspirations of our learners and allow them to make the strongest progress over time. This will prepare them to be the best they can be in school, as citizens in their community and in their future.
Curriculum Impact
The Headteacher, in consultation with the staff and students, will undertake systematic monitoring and conduct regular reviews of the curriculum policy and procedures to evaluate them and ensure that the operation is effective, fair and consistent. The Headteacher will keep the Governing Body informed. The Governing Body will regularly review this policy and associated procedures, to ensure its continuing appropriateness and effectiveness in meeting the needs of students at Beaconsfield High. The outcome of the review will be communicated to all those involved, as appropriate.
The impact of our curriculum is assessed by considering:
- External examination results at both GCSE and A-Level, including the numbers gaining top grades in a wide variety of subjects.
- The range and variety of co-curricular and enrichment activities and students’ participation in them as indicated by pupil surveys and the achievement of externally validated awards.
- The retention of students from Year 11 into Becky High Sixth.
- The numbers of students applying to join the School in Year 7 and Year 12.
- The proportion of students who are able to choose the courses they want to at GCSE and at A-Level.
- The destinations of our leavers at Year 11 and Year 13.
- Quality assurance through lesson observations, work scrutinies and learning walks
- Annual reviews of the PSHE and assembly programme.
- Parent and student-voice related to selected themes.
You can read our Curriculum Policy here. If you require any more information regarding the curriculum, please contact us via or 01494 673043.
Year 7 - 9
In Years 7 to 9 students study a broad and balanced curriculum that builds a firm foundation of the skills needed to ensure they are GCSE ready when they enter Year 10.
Subjects studied comprise of computing; creative arts (art, graphics, and food and nutrition); drama; English; geography; history; languages (French, Latin and Spanish in Year 7, of which students then choose two to take through into Year 8); mathematics; music; physical education; Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE); religion, philosophy and ethics and science (biology, chemistry and physics).
Getting Life Ready is our soft-skill or character development framework and is the foundation upon which we will build remarkable learners and remarkable future citizens. Teachers reference and signpost the specific GLR skills in lessons so that students will become adept at recognising in themselves their own strengths and areas for improvement. For more information click here.
Year 10 - 11
In Years 10 and 11 all students study a core GCSE curriculum of English Language, English Literature, mathematics and science. The science curriculum includes biology, chemistry and physics as distinct subject areas.
Students are offered a wide range of GCSE subjects and have four option choices. To ensure we maintain a broad and balanced curriculum, it is compulsory for students to choose a foreign language, a humanity subject, and two subjects from the ‘open option’:
- a foreign language (French, Spanish or Latin)
- a humanity subject (geography or history)
- two ‘open options’ (Latin, French, Spanish, computer science, geography, history, RE, art, dance, drama, food and nutrition, graphics, music, PE, business studies).
Each year group has three drop-down days, per year, for PSHE which are used to promote students’ personal, social, emotional and economic development.
Students have four core PE lessons per fortnight and one core religious studies lesson per fortnight.
Study Skills are taught once a fortnight, the aim being to improve metacognition, memory retention and recall as well as teach a range of effective study skills to help students meet the demands of the more challenging linear exams.
Year 12 - 13
Our A-Level programme blends academia with opportunities to develop skills of leadership, creativity, teamwork, resilience and independent thinking. This we achieve through a broad and balanced curriculum consisting of:
- Three A-Levels
- Sports and activities programme
- UCAS and futures programme
- PSHE programme
- Lecture Series
- Volunteering/work experience
Plus, one of the following:
- EPQ (Extended Project Qualification)
- AS French or Spanish
- Fourth A-Level
We also strongly encourage all students to take part in:
- Team projects (Young Enterprise, Gold Duke of Edinburgh, National Citizenship Service)
- Co-curricular and super-curricular activities
- Essay competitions
- Outreach opportunities
- Trips and visits.
Each A-Level subject has four taught hours per week with an understanding that students will match this contact time in private study. A-Level options include all subjects taught at GCSE plus: Further Mathematics, Business Studies, Classical Civilisation, Economics, Politics, Media Studies, Psychology and Sociology. Further information can be found in the Becky High Sixth Prospectus and our A-Level Options Guide.
Extended Project Qualification
The EPQ has one contact hour each week with students managing their research beyond that independently. The EPQ is designed to prepare students for university study by developing time management skills, presentation skills, writing project reports and completing research. It also allows students to demonstrate their passion for an area of study not covered by their A-Level studies. In consultation with the Director of Sixth Form, some students may choose to study a fourth A-Level or an AS in French or Spanish, instead of an EPQ.
Our pastoral PSHE programme is delivered through six partially collapsed timetable days and is supported by our extensive extra and super-curricular programme of events and activities.
Year 12 students have one timetabled sport and activities lesson per week when they opt to do elite sport, recreational PE, sports leadership, in school volunteering / mentoring or out of school volunteering / mentoring. They also have one timetabled lesson per week devoted to the lecture series whereby organisations from local and national businesses, universities, alumnae, literary and political figures present weekly lectures. This broadens their knowledge, opens their eyes to other perspectives and possibilities, and enhances their learning experience.