This page includes resources to help support yours and your child's mental health and wellbeing. Students today must learn to navigate a complex and ever changing world, facing challenges and pressures in many areas of their life. Parents and staff may need guidance in how to support them or with managing their own mental health and well-being; the links and apps we have referenced will help you to manage your mental wellbeing. Our support approach is based on acceptance and commitment theory (ACT) and a brief introduction to ACT can be found here.
If you are a student with concerns, or you are worried about your child, please email Student Welfare in the first instance.
Access our Mental Health Policy here.
Our Wellbeing Support Pyramid
Our Well-being Support Pyramid outlines our graduated response process. All students are supported with their mental health and wellbeing through 'universal access'. Level 2 is our self-help programme with a six-week support booklet full of resources and reflection activities and healthy coping strategies. Students who need a little bit more support can be referred to Level 3. Our Wellbeing Mentor works with small groups and on a 1:1 basis as required. Referrals to our high-level targeted support is for students requiring a series of six 1:1 sessions with our school counsellor.
Apps and links
These links and apps contain lots of advice to help you support both your child’s and your own mental health and wellbeing:
- Spotting signs of mental health issues in your child
- Parenting Mental Health
- Self Harm Support
- Eating Disorder Support
- Bucks Mind Presentation to Parents : Powerpoint and Useful Information
- How parents can talk to their children about online sexual harassment
- Advice and Support Available for Families in Buckinghamshire
Resources on specific wellbeing topics
Panic Attacks
Self-harm advice and guidance
Anxiety disorders
Anger management
Eating disorders